Dr. Silvia Moriano Gutierrez (University of Lausanne) (online)

Dear members of the CRC 1182,

Tuesday Jan 26th 2021 at 2:00 pm we have an interesting seminar talk by Silvia Moriano Gutierrez on “The RNA signature of local and systemic interactions between partners”.

Silvia graduated in July 2020 in Margaret McFall-Ngai´s lab in Hawaii and recently moved as postdoc to the lab of Philipp Engel at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. Silvia´s work is published in a number of truly excellent papers and for sure she will have something interesting to say to us and our work in the CRC 1182.
So please join the webinar by using the following link:
Webinar ID: 879 5965 2102

The seminar is part of the Kiel Life Science (KLS) event “Young investigators day”. For details see the attachment.

Very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 2:00 pm !


Dr. Silvia Moriano Gutierrez (University of Lausanne)


January 26th, 2021


Zoom Meeting

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