Science Support

Next generation sequencing, proteomics, and metabolomics applications for studying metaorganisms

Core project Z3 (PIs Baines, Rosenstiel, Tholey, Liebeke) aims to support large-scale omics studies. The primary task of the project is to provide a specialized platform for next-generation sequencing (NGS), proteomics and metabolomics applications tailored to the needs of individual CRC subprojects. The infrastructure of the Competence Centre for Genome Analysis (CCGA) serves as the service backbone for nucleotide sequencing. The proteomics applications employ liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based methods for the identification, quantification and molecular characterization of proteins, proteomes and peptidomes. The metabolomics applications, offered by the new PI Liebeke, include spatial metabolomics with mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and LC-MS/MS-based methods for untargeted and targeted metabolite analysis of extracts from cells, tissues and supernatants of cell cultures.



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