Malte Rühlemann (A2.1) (online)
Dear doctoral students and postdocs of the CRC 1182,
We are experiencing extraordinary times. Our usual routine way of working and communicating with each other is abruptly blocked. Bench work is nearly impossible. And worst of all: we do not know how long this will last. To allow at least some virtual interaction and discussion about ongoing research projects, we decided that the Metaorganism seminars should take place as scheduled with some modifications as Zoom meetings. The first Metaorganism Seminar should also be used to elect a Junior Representative for the CRC 1182 Steering Committee.
For joining the Zoom meeting, please set up a Zoom account, if you do not already have one. Please register at . If you start a meeting, you can test your microphone and video. To join the meeting, you only have to use the link below. The interface is intuitive to use, but there are also good tutorials at YouTube, for example “Teach Online with Zoom – Beginners Tutorial” For all the Zoom meetings, Cleo will send you the invitation with the meeting ID etc.
Malte Rühlemann
Kiel University, Institute for Clinical Molecular Biology,
Subproject A2.1
“ABO histo-blood groups influence gut microbiome, with causal relationship between Bacteroides and inflammatory bowel disease“

Zoom Invitation
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 439 650 306
Password: 027693
April 14th, 2020