Young Investigator Award 2021 – Nancy Obeng & Carolina Sardinha Francisco
Once a year the CRC 1182 supports 2 junior researchers with each 15,000 €. The aim of the Young Investigator Award is to support on one hand the junior researchers of the CRC 1182 by providing them the possibility to develop their independent research project, on the other hand it is for the whole CRC 1182 the possibility to gain new scientific input and more connections within the research projects.
Due to the current situation the award ceremony had to be postponed to 2022.

Dr. Nancy Obeng
Postdoctoral researcher of the lab of Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schulenburg at the Zoological Institute at Kiel University, has been awarded for her proposed project “Biofilm formation and colonization success in microbiotas across host species”.

Dr. Carolina Sardinha Francisco
Postdoctoral researcher of the lab of Prof. Dr. Eva Stukenbrock at the Botanical Institute at Kiel University, received the funding for her proposed project “Impact of climate-driven stresses on citrus microbiome and the contribution of environmental-adapted microbial communities for enhancing plant stress resilience”.