1st Young Investigator Research Day

Young researchers discuss about “Function and Origin of Metaorganisms”


All animals and plants are inhabited by microbial organisms, which influence fitness of their plant and animal hosts, ultimately forming a metaorganism consisting of a uni- or multicellular host and a community of associated microorganisms. The Collaborative Research Centre 1182: Function and Origin of Metaorganisms (CRC1182, https://www.metaorganism-research.com/) investigates the specific functional consequences of the interactions, the underlying regulatory principles, and also the resulting impact on host life history and evolutionary fitness an ever-changing environment.

The young investigators of the CRC1182 invite Master students, PhD candidates and Postdoctoral researchers who are interested in the study of symbiosis and the related topics to join us in this conversation on Metaorganism.

The Young Investigator Research Day will stimulate discussion and facilitate networking within young researchers who work in the area of host-microbe-environment interactions. This is not a conventional conference or workshop – we aim to mix „traditional“ and new ways to present our research and interact to each other: speed talks, „Pecha Kucha“, and the opportunity for more oral presentations and more discussion of our ideas, methodologies and results. Participants of any discipline are highly encouraged to present their research in a way that is understandable to a broad audience. Keynote lectures by Dr. Karoline Faust and Dr. Natacha Kremer complete the scientific program.

There is no conference fee!

May 15th – 16th, 2017Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel, Germany

The conference will take place from the 15th May (18:00) until the 16th May (22:00).


Abstract submissions are now open (fill submission form here ) and will be closed by 8th April 2017.
Abstracts will be reviewed by a Committee of young researchers from the CRC 1182. A notification email will be sent by April 12th 2017. Please note that final registration will only occur upon acceptance of the abstract. Because of space constraints, the event is limited to 80 participants.
No fees. Coffee breaks, dinner on 15th May and lunch on 16th May will be provided.


Dr. Natacha Kremer, CNRS CR2 Lyon, France
Natacha Kremer studied Biology at École Normale Supérieure in Paris, France. Afterwards, she did her PhD in the Evolution and Molecular Biology Laboratory of Biometry and Evolutionary Biology at the University Lyon (France) focusing on evolutionary genetic of insect-bacteria interactions. As PostDoc, she visited laboratories around the world (Margaret McFall-Ngai Madison, WI/USA; Stéphane Hourdez, Roscoff/France; Philippe Rosenstiel, Kiel/Germany) to gain insights into the “Establishment and maintenance of the squid/vibrio symbiosis“. She is currently working as Research Scientist for the CNRS, and based in Lyon at the Laboratory of Biometry and Evolutionary Biology. Here, she would like to bring an evolutionary perspective to the study of symbiosis through an understanding of the molecular interactions between partners. She is particularly interested in the evolution of symbiotic associations in response to stress.

Dr. Karoline Faust, KU Leuven, Belgium
Karoline Faust studied Biology at Humboldt University (Berlin) and University of York (UK). She did her PhD in the laboratory “Bioinformatique des Génomes et des Réseaux” (BiGRe) of Prof. Jacques van Helden at ULB (Brussels). Afterwards, she had a Post-doctoral position in the Research Group of Bioinformatics and (Eco)-Systems Biology headed by Prof. Raes, where she developed computational approaches for the prediction and analysis of species interaction networks from metagenomics data. Currently, Karoline is Assistant Professor in microbiological bioinformatics at KU Leuven. Her Lab of Microbial Systems Biology studies the structure and dynamics of microbial communities with systems biology methods focusing on microbial association networks and pathway predicted using NeAT tools.

We are happy to announce that through the support of great sponsors, Allergosan, Qiagen, and Illumina Inc. we are able to provide two prizes for the best “regular” presentation and the best “short talk” of the YIRD. Each prize consists of a monetary and a scientific material prize.

The Young Investigator Research Day will take place at the “Atelierhaus im Anscharpark”,

Heiligendammer Straße 15
24106 Kiel.

We thank the “Atelierhaus im Anscharpark” for providing us with this fantastic setting!

Kiel offers a variety of different possibilities for accommodation. Find a list of hotels here: https://www.kiel-sailing-city.de/en.html

If you have any questions please contact: yird2017kiel@gmail.com


Young Researchers


May 15th, 2017


Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel, Germany

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