Impressions: 1st Young Investigator Research Day

For the first time the young researchers of the CRC 1182 organized  their own CRC 1182 Young Investigator Research Day.

The young investigators of the CRC1182 invited Master students, PhD candidates and Postdoctoral researchers who are interested in the study of symbiosis and related topics to join us in this conversation on Metaorganisms. To stimulate and to analyse the metaorganism concept from another point of view the conference was hold at the Atelierhaus at the Anscharpark.
During the conference the participants were surrounded by artwork of Tamer Serby.

The YIRD should stimulate discussion and facilitate networking between young researchers who work in the area of host-microbe-environment interactions. Participants of any discipline were highly encouraged to present their research in a way that is understandable to a broad audience. The talks dealt with 9 different model organims from deep sea mussles to humans, variied from classical result reports, over new methodologies to the talk by Yasmin Appelhans “I am Meta”, who presented her work on metaorganism outreach. The scientific program was completed by Keynote lectures by Dr. Karoline Faust (KU Leuven) and Dr. Natacha Kremer (CNRS, Lyon).

The participants voted as best presentation the talk “Alterations in host associated microbiota leading to disturbance of tissue homeostasis: lessons from tumor bearing Hydra” by Kai Rathje of the Zoological Institute of Kiel University and as best poster “FoxO as key regulator of epithelial homeostasis: insights from Hydra” by Bendedikt Mortzfeld of the Zoological Institute of Kiel University. The awards were sponsored by Institut Allergosan, Qiagen and Illumina.


The Young Researchers of the CRC 1182


May 15th, 2017


Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel

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