6th CRC 1182 Retreat (online)

Due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19, the Steering Committee of the CRC 1182 has decided to restructure the retreat meeting in Hotel Waldschlösschen in Schleswig Oct 26-27 2020. The retreat will now be held in a completely virtual setting.

The retreat aims to (a) provide a platform for the junior investigators to present and discuss their findings and (b) to create new synergies within and between the projects.  Presentations by junior investigators (Monday Oct 26 2:00 pm – 7:10 pm) will be followed by a general discussion.

On Monday Oct 26 2020 evening at 8:00 pm Margaret McFall-Ngai (Hawaii) will deliver a keynote lecture on “Activity between and among symbiont strains: Communicating with the host across a complex biogeographic landscape”.

Tuesday Oct 27 2020 (9:00 am – noon) is reserved for interactions between the different subprojects. Since all research within the CRC 1182 is performed in co-tutored projects, we expect that Tuesday morning all members of the projects will meet, interact, and discuss the research advances. On request, we will provide chat rooms for the virtual meetings.

Many thanks for your patience, your understanding, and your commitment to our Collaborative Research Centre!  

Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:

Please contact the office of the CRC 1182 (office@metaorganism-research.com), if you have any questions.

Some Impressions


all CRC 1182 members


October 26th, 2020


online via Zoom

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