CRC 1182 Möbius-Fellow Martin Blaser & International Experts on the Coronavirus Pandemic


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New Yorker-Magazine: Expert Perspectives on the Coronavirus Pandemic

The New Yorker-Magazin invited experts from six fields, ranging from genetics to science fiction: Hendrik Poinar, Simon Critchley, Martin Blaser, Max Brooks, Meike Dittmann und Gil Eyal. Together, they provide insight into the pandemic and offer a holistic understanding of the virus and the disease it causes, and highlight the areas in which we can learn from history and also the elements of our situation that are entirely new.

Among them are former guests and collaborators of Kiel University’s CRC 1182 ‘Origin and Function of Metaorganisms’. CRC 1182-speaker Thomas Bosch seized the opportunity to conduct interviews with these leading experts in the life sciences, also a number of talks were recorded. You can watch them following these links:

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