Habilitation in Ecology, University Kiel
1991 – 1994
Dissertation Biological Oceanography, University Kiel
1987 – 1991
Studies in Biology, Biological oceanography and Marine Ecology at Institut für Meereskunde /University of Kiel
Research Experience/Academic Appointments
Since 2008
Professor in Marine Ecology (W3), GEOMAR & Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
2005 – 2008
Professor in Plant Evolutionary Ecology (W3), University of Münster
2002 – 2005
Heisenberg-Fellow at Max-Planck Inst for Limnology, Plön
1999 – 2002
Research Associate, Max-Planck Institute for Limnology, Plön
1997 – 1999
Marie Curie-Fellow at University of Groningen
1994 – 1996
Postdoctoral Researcher, San Diego State University, USA (DAAD and DFG)
Important Scientific Prizes/Functions
Since 2019
Associate Editor of “Science Advances”
Since 2018
Steering committee of Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity
Since 2016
Founding member / Steering committee of the Kiel Evolution Center
Since 2012
Speaker of the research division 3 “Marine Ecology” at GEOMAR Kiel
Since 2012
Member executive board of the excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean”
Since 2011
Editorial board of “Marine Biology”
Since 2010
Steering committee of the International Max-Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology at CAU Kiel
Since 2010
Head examination board Msc curriculum “Biological Oceanography”
2009 – 2015
Steering committee of DFG -SPP 1399 Host-parasite coevolution
Heisenberg fellowship awarded by DFG (German Science Foundation)
Annette Barthelt-Award for outstanding thesis in Marine Sciences